Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Slimming Sanctuary...


Aritu masa aku jln2 kat SACC Mall, tetibe dtg sorg leng loii ni... Dia promote pasal Slimming Sanctuary... Product pelansingan.... The way dia explain, perrggghhh.....very details n aku sgt kagum ye.... Hahhaaha.... and the best is... aku beli pakej yg dia jual tu....hehehe....

So, inilah gmbrn nye....

 Budak tu explained pasal pakej ni....
aku terpengauh la sbb terlalu obses ngan perut yg ramping dan tidak buncit....
xpela, RM38 je kan...

Then siap tambah lg, utk full body massage tu....hehehe

Aku belom pegi n try lg.... dia valid smp Apr.... so tgh mencari2 mase yg sesuai.... Actually, aku dah tanye2 org to get some knowledge before g kat tempat2 camni.. Sume org pesan suh aku kentalkan hati nnt...thank you kawan2 for the info...=) explore punye explore, terjmpla link ni.... at least im really mentally....

Till then, daaaa...
Lots of Love, FF

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